Seventh-day Adventists, with some 20 million members worldwide, form a Protestant Christian church organized in 1863 in the United States. Its origin occurs shortly after the movement led by Guilherme Miller, who stressed the need for greater emphasis on preaching about the soon return of Jesus Christ to this world. The South American headquarters of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that bears that name that reflects the church’s beliefs in three words “Adventist” indicates the safety of Jesus’ soon return (advent) to this earth. “Seventh Day” refers to the biblical Sabbath of rest that was graciously given by God to humanity at creation and observed by Jesus during his incarnation together, both terms speak of the gospel which is salvation in Jesus Christ. The South American headquarters is responsible for administrative coordination in eight countries, registering more than two million members.

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grupo adventista
Religião Boa Vista

Worldwide, the Seventh-day Adventist Church is administered through 13 divisions, all of which are linked to the world headquarters located in Silver Spring, Maryland in the United States. 70% of Adventists are located in Latin America and Africa, an average of 1,456 missionaries annually they leave their countries to assist in other countries. The general coordination of the church is under the responsibility of the general conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which every five years holds an assembly to appoint leaders and vote on official documents.

In Cape Verde it started to gain more strength over the years, being a country with a Christian majority, it was not such a radical change for those who decided to advance to Adventists. In 2015 the Adventist church celebrated its 80th anniversary in the archipelago, having arrived on the islands, more precisely in Brava by emigrants from the United States in 1935, who built a church in the locality of Nossa Senhora do Monte.

Religião Boa Vista

Religious Activity

In Cape Verde, the Adventist Church usually conducts and participates in various programs and activities with the aim of taking the word of God to all Cape Verdeans and trying to help as much as possible, especially the youth, to live according to the principles of God, instructing them with music training and classes, English, Bible courses, health, lectures related to sexual life, marriage etc … These are just some of the activities carried out by the community and many of them are still little known by Cape Verdeans.

igreja e pessoas
desbravadores de cabo verde
Igreja Adventista do sétimo Dia

Ministry of Women

Another issue that this community takes very seriously is gender equality. Within the community, there is a women’s ministry called MIMU. This department usually carries out various activities, such as leadership training, which consists of preparing and training the leaders of each church so that they can work more efficiently with the women of their respective churches and with those in their communities. Solidarity campaigns for the most needy are constantly carried out by this department. It is worth remembering that this department goes beyond the church, inserts itself into the community to help everyone in their spiritual, professional lives, and to be good leaders and good mothers.



Boys and girls aged 10 to 15 years, from different social classes, color, or religion. They meet once a week to learn how to develop talents, skills, perceptions and a taste for nature.

On the island of Boavista, explorers can be observed making a united order on Sunday mornings in front of the IASD or you can also participate together with them in camps and other recreational or survival activities. They vibrate with outdoor activities. They like camping, hiking, climbing, exploring the woods and caves. They know how to cook outdoors, making fire without phosphorus. They demonstrate skills with discipline through a united order, and have the creativity aroused by manual arts. They also fight the use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

They work as a team, always trying to be useful to the community. They also provide disaster relief and actively participate in community campaigns to help people in need. In everything they do, they try to develop love for God and for their country and, in addition, they make many friends! The Pathfinder Club is present in more than 160 countries, with 90,000 headquarters and over two million participants. It has officially existed since 1950, as an official Seventh-day Adventist Church program.


It was in 1972 that the Seventh-day Adventist Church first attempted to create a specific program for children under the age of ten. This happened in Washington (USA), under the direction of Carolee Riegel. The idea evolved until later, in 1989, the first classes of Adventurers were made official. Thus, objectives, curriculum, flag, uniforms and ideals were established. It has expanded around the world and today clubs can be found in all Seventh-day Adventist churches around the world. In Boavista, the club meets once a week, on Saturday afternoons, where they carry out various activities such as marches, carrying out specialties to earn insignia, Bible courses, develop learning skills, ethics and moral values. Boys and girls of any religious faith can participate in this movement that takes away the diversity, the color of youthful energy.


Youth Club

This club is defined in three basic elements:

Structure – simple, practical, comprehensive, current and functional;

Exclusivity – exclusive program for young people;

Progressivity – challenges young people to permanent achievements. In addition, the Club offers solutions to most of the challenges that young people face. They usually hold competitions, leadership courses, programs involving radical adventures and personal, social, professional and spiritual growth. All of this with a group that has the same principles as you. Also every four years, they usually hold national youth congresses on different islands, where thousands of young people gather in one place for a week to carry out various activities, socializing, making new friends and having new experiences with God. See in the gallery below some activities carried out by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Boavista and Cape Verde, to the communities. Assistance in the areas of health, food, spiritual and recreation for children.


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